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Designing a Successful Defined Contribution Plan
Orientation and Introduction
Designing Successful DC Plan - Intro (Video) (2:03)
Learning Objectives - Successful DC Plan Design - (PDF)
Glossary of Terms
Module 1 - How Defined Contribution Fits into Retirement Security
Designing Successful DC Plan - Module 1 (Video) (8:59)
2019 Retirement Confidence Survey Summary Report - (PDF)
7 Questions for Defined Contribution Plan Fiduciaries - (Web Link)
7 Questions for Defined Contribution Plan Fiduciaries - (PDF Worksheet)
Module 2 - Defining Defined Contribution Success
Designing Successful DC Plan - Module 2 (Video) (5:37)
Design Matters: The Influence of DC Plan Design on Retirement Outcomes” DCIIA and EBRI, July 2017 - (PDF)
IRS Retirement Topics - Automatic Enrollment - (Web Link)
Module 3 - Defined Contribution Plan Governance
Designing Successful DC Plan - Module 3 (Video) (5:55)
DOL's Meeting Your Fiduciary Responsibilities - (PDF)
Successful Defined Contribution Investment Design: How to Align Target-Date, Core, and Income Strategies to the PRICE of Retirement - (Web Link)
Module 4 - Investment Structure and Considerations
Designing Successful DC Plan - Module 4 (Video) (5:33)
DOL’s Selecting and Monitoring Pension Consultants – Tips for Plan Fiduciaries - (PDF)
DOL's QDIA Fact Sheet - (PDF)
Module 5 - “Do-it-for-me” Tier: Qualified Default Investment Alternatives
Designing Successful DC Plan - Module 5 (Video) (5:14)
DOL's Target Date Retirement Funds - Tips for ERISA Plan Fiduciaries - (PDF)
Morningstar's 2019 Target-Date Fund Landscape Simplifying the Complex - (PDF)
Module 6 - “Help-me-do-it” Tier: Core Investment Lineup
Designing Successful DC Plan - Module 6 (Video) (10:05)
Callan Institute's 2019 Defined Contribution Trends - (PDF)
Coalition of Collective Investment Trusts - (Web Link)
DOL's Understanding Retirement Plan Fees And Expenses - (PDF)
Module 7 - “Do-it-myself” Tier: Brokerage Considerations & Case Studies
Designing Successful DC Plan - Module 7 (Video) (7:57)
Module 8 - Retirement Income Solutions
Designing Successful DC Plan - Module 8 (Video) (11:59)
Exam - Successful DC Plan Design
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Glossary of Terms
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